I am not talking about should not go to college or school.
“You are yet to catch up with the real world if you've never studied any concepts outside the school syllabus or read any books beside the texts books school forced you to read. Most people are just programmed not educated”

What many people think about college. Getting knowledge but they really give us the knowledge they just put information because to get Knowledge you have to get experiences, you have to take action of the information like using in real life but do you think that The information they give are can be used in real life. If they can why the teacher never applies. We are studying in the education system that the marketing teacher never has done marketing.
We are studying the business book of an author who never does business in his life. Their words are fancy and cool which makes us good while hearing but while applying the information in real life it does not work.
This is today's college and school which you can find every information which cannot be used in real life.
“It is easier to land a man on the moon than to change the school system.” ―
In college averagely 30% student is absent in class and remaining are in their own world with there friends.
Our education system is focussed on a single objective: to produce model citizens for society in order to feed this machine and prevent its breakdown. That’s why our school systems have no interest in developing models that actually require and stimulate useful values in people, such as courage or imagination or inventiveness.
Our education system is for a worker not for Entrepreneurs.
It is designed as that job is the best choice for a person. I am not talking that job is bad but the job it can make you happy is bad because we will not take the money that we earn we talking the happiness. so, make sure to do whatever you want that makes you happy expect illegal one.
“if education doesn't solve a problem, then it is a problem; If the educated do not solve problems, then they are the problems.” ―
People make myth that college is for everyone and happiness and wealth depend on a college degree. ... And students seeking a college education need more than high IQ numbers.
Let's talk about Degree. Do you think that degree is necessary for a successful life then you are wrong you can see that many successful Entrepreneur who is dropout but most successful and richest man history like Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Elon Musk, Steve Jobs, Michael Dell and many more?
Nowadays, Big company like Apple, Google and Facebook do not give a shit to your degree they need skill manpower, not the manpower who has the degree only.