5 Keys to improve Critical thinking.

Critical thinking is the analysis of fact to form or to make a judgment or decision. It is also the ability to think clearly and rationally by understanding the logical connection between ideas. we were bombarded by many problems in our days that it is difficult to make the right decision. It is very necessary for all humans to make the right decision at the right time and in the right place.  So, Critical Thinking is important.

"We can not solve our problem with the same thinking we used to create it."-Albert Einstein

5 Keys to improving Critical thinking. 

  • Formulate your Question

      It is simply known what you want. For example, You are going to do exercises daily without any goal but you have a goal like weight loss or having more energy or having 6 abs. This will have you be more reasonable/critical helps to achieve your goal too.

"Discovery is seeing what everybody else has seen, and thinking what nobody else has thought."

  • Gather your information    

        There are lots of information having a clear goal without any question help to determine what is good. If you try to do an exercise to be more energetic you should ask an expert or gather information from google, youtube, and other sources. 

"The value of education is not knowing many facts but, the training of the mind to how to think"-Albert Einstein

  • Apply the  information
     For me, this step is known as turning information into knowledge because to turn the information into knowledge we have to apply the information in the process we get experiences which (Information+experiences =Knowledge)

Nowadays, everybody has information but everybody have knowledge. 

"Thinking is skilled work. It is not true that we are naturally endowed with the ability to think clearly and logically-without learning how or without practicing."

  • Consider the Implications

     It means that you should consider the conclusion that can be drawn from the decisions that you make. It is long term vision. From example, In an Election one party is willing to down the price of petrol and Desial but if He does that the number f vehicle will be increasing and the pollution in the city will also increasing it is good for a short period but for a long period it is very harmful.

"Whatever you undertake, act with prudence, and consider the consequences."

  • Explore positives and negatives points of view

      You have heard that listening is very important. If you going to be in debate competition there are two parties which one is talking about positive and one is talking about negative but there are both right in their places because everything has positive and negative things. So, you have to make decisions by knowing the positives and negatives.

"Learning to use your brain power. Critical thinking is the key to creative problem-solving in the business."-Richard Branson