Think and Grow Rich secret maximum people don't know.
Think and Grow Rich is a very special Book but many people are in the wrong concept that this book will make you physical rich in no time but it is not true it will make you rich mentally. That's right It will make you mentally rich.
"When you begin to think and grow rich, you will observe that riches begin with a state of mind, with definiteness of purpose, with little or no hard work."
I am going to tell a story or just a situation. A normal man and a wealthy person get a bankrupt And They both start with zero money. What do you think? who will earn more money in 5 years? Yes, It is a wealthy person because he has the mindset of rich, he thinks like rich it's not he was rich because he has the mind of rich which makes it possible to earn more than the normal man.

The think that Think and Grow Rich wants to teach is to have a mind of rich, not the wealth of rich because if you have a mind of rich than it is easy to earn money.
Napoleon Hill and 500 great minds including me believe that being rich is all started with the state of mind.
Think and Grow Rich is the Granddaddy of all the motivational books and mindset book become successful in all field not only the being rich.
This thought is mine. So, If you want to accept it I am happy and if you do not want to accept it is okay.
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