This book is not to make you rich but make your mentality rich because this book says that it is all started with the state of mind.
Being Rich is all about the state of mind which Napoleon Hill called it money conscious.
This book is about the mindset which helps us to think
like rich people, how to control our mind and our thoughts so that we can become rich.
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The power of thought
Napoleon Hill said, "thoughts are things," and powerful things at that, when they are mixed with definiteness of purpose, persistence, and a BURNING DESIRE for their translation into riches, or other material objects.
When a man deeply DESIRE a thing that he is willing to stake his entire future on a single turn of the wheel in order to get it, he is sure to win.
Psychologists have correctly said that "when one is truly ready for a thing, it out in its appearance."
"Success comes to those who become success conscious. Failure comes to those who indifferently allow themselves to become failure conscious."-Napoleon Hill
The starting point of all achievement is Desire.
A BURNING DESIRE TO BE, AND TO DO is the starting point from which the dreamer must take off. Dreams are not born of indifference, laziness, or lack of ambition.
When Edwin C. Barnes made his way from the railroad tracks to Thomas A. Edison's office, his mind was at work. He saw himself standing in Edison presence. He heard himself asking Mr. Edison for an opportunity to carry out the one CONSUMING OBSESSION OF HIS LIFE, a BURNING DESIRE to become the business associate of the great inventor.
Barnes desire was not a hope! It was not a wish! It was a keen pulsating DESIRE, which transcended everything else. It was DEFINITE.
The desire was not new when he approached Edison. It was a dominating desire for a long time. In the beginning, when the desire appeared first it was probably was, only a wish, but it was no mere wish when he appeared before Edison with it.
Dreams are the seedlings of Reality.
Faith is the state of mind which may be induced, or created, by affirmation
or repeated instructions to the subconscious mind, through the principle of auto-suggestion.
It is the head chemist of the mind. When faith is blended with the vibration of thought, the subconscious mind instantly picks up the vibrations, translates it into its spiritual equivalent, and transmit it to Infinite Intelligence, as in the case of prayer.
Faith is the "Eternal Elixir" which gives life, power, and action to the impulse of thought
"Day by Day, in every way, I am getting better and better," without mixing emotion and Faith with your words, you will experience no desirable results."
Ability to reach, and influence your subconscious mind has its prices, and you MUST PAY THAT PRICE.
Through the faculty of creative imagination, the finite mind of man has direct communication with Infinite Intelligence.
This faculty functions only when the conscious mind is vibrating at an exceedingly rapid rate, as for example, when the conscious mind is stimulated through the emotion of a strong desire.
or repeated instructions to the subconscious mind, through the principle of auto-suggestion.
It is the head chemist of the mind. When faith is blended with the vibration of thought, the subconscious mind instantly picks up the vibrations, translates it into its spiritual equivalent, and transmit it to Infinite Intelligence, as in the case of prayer.
Faith is the "Eternal Elixir" which gives life, power, and action to the impulse of thought
"Faith is the bird that feels the light when the dawn is still dark."
Auto-suggestion is a term which applies to all suggestions and all self-administered stimuli which reach one's mind through the five senses. We can say that Auto-suggestion is self-suggestion. It is the agency of communication between the part of the mind where conscious thought takes place and that which serves as the seat of action for the subconscious mind."Day by Day, in every way, I am getting better and better," without mixing emotion and Faith with your words, you will experience no desirable results."
Ability to reach, and influence your subconscious mind has its prices, and you MUST PAY THAT PRICE.
Specialized Knowledge
Knowledge is two kinds. They are general and specialized which general knowledge known to civilization. Many people have knowledge but they do not have the ability to use knowledge.
Any is educated who knows where to get knowledge when he needs it, and how to organize that knowledge into definite plans of action.
The imagination is literally the workshop wherein are fashioned all plans created by man. It has been said that man creates anything which he can imagine.
Two Forms of imagination
- Synthetic Imagination
- Creative Imagination
Through the faculty of creative imagination, the finite mind of man has direct communication with Infinite Intelligence.
This faculty functions only when the conscious mind is vibrating at an exceedingly rapid rate, as for example, when the conscious mind is stimulated through the emotion of a strong desire.
Organized planning
Organized planning the crystallization of desire into action. "A goal without a plan is just a wish." You have to make sure what is your density and how to gonna go there If you don't then you can be in the place where you do not want to go.
"A stupity person with a plan while success against the genius without plan."-Warren Buffet
If you are influenced by "opinion" when you reach DECISIONS, you will not succeed in any undertaking, much less in that of transmuting YOUR OWN DESIRE into money.
If you are influenced by the opinions of others, you will have no DESIRE of your own.
“You can't make decisions based on fear and the possibility of what might happen.”
Persistence is the sustained effort necessary to induce faith. It is an essential factor in the procedure of transmuting DESIRE into its monetary equivalent. The basis of persistence is the POWER OF WILL.
Those who have cultivated the HABIT of persistence seem to enjoy insurance against failure.
“The sky is not my limit...I am.” ―
Sex Transmutation
The meaning of the word "transmute" is, in simple language, "the changing, or the transferring of one element, or form of energy, into another.The emotion of sex brings into being a state of mind.
Sex transmutation is simple and easily explained. It means the switching of the mind from thoughts of physical expression, to thoughts of some other mature.
Sex desire is the most powerful of human desire. When driven by this desire, men develop keenness of imagination, courage, will power, persistence, and creative ability unknown to them at other times
The Subconscious mind
The connecting link is the subconscious mind. It is a garden and you are the farmer of that garden. And the thoughts and the action you think or take is the seeds of that garden. It is up to what you type of thoughts and action you take If you take positive than it attracts positive things and If you take negative than it will attract negatives thinks.
The subconscious mind is the most powerful part of the brain but it is controlled by the conscious mind.
Fear is the main thing that many people are not rich. From birth to death we live in the fear and the most feared we get is in our school. They scold and beat us when we fail; and make a mistake which created us the fear of making a mistake and, being a failure.
After that fear of not getting a job or losing a job, fear of criticism, fear of ill health, and others.
"He who overcome his fear will truly be free."
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