You will never have true freedom without financial freedom-Rich DadFreedom may be free, but it has a price.-Rich Dad
Robert T. Kiyosaki the author of Rich dad Cashflow Quadrant and the New York best time seller and the founder of The Rich Dad company which gives the financial knowledge to achieve real financial freedom.
Rich dad Cashflow Quadrant is a mindset book that helps to think like Rich people and gives us the Knowledge of Quadrant and the cash flow.
They think that it is gambling and it is true from them it is gambling because They don't know it that it will run or not because they started the business by seeing others do it.
But for the person who has financial knowledge, t is not gambling because he knows that His/Her business will run.
Types of Quadrant
According, to the Robert T.Kiyosaki Quadrant, is divided into four and They are E and S from the side of Quadrant and B and I from the right side of the Quadrant where
E stands for Employee where you have a job,
S stands for Small Bussiness where own a job,
B stands for Big business where you own a system that works for you and
I stand for Investor where money works for you.
The first step is to find the Quadrant you are in and where you want to be. It is hard to switch Quadrant because of there mentality and the way of thinking but the person like me who has just graduated it is easier than the person who is in the Quadrant.
It's is very difficult to change side especially from left to right. The mentality that left quadrant people does not match with the right quadrant. It is like "You can't teach an old dog new tricks."Why It's difficult to change form Left Quadrant to right Quadrant.
Many people seek job securitybecause that's what they are taught, both at school and at home.
Changing the quadrant is often a change at the core of who you are how you think and how you look at the world.
The change is easier for some people than for others simply because some people welcome change and others fight it. And quadrants is most often a life-changing experience. It,s a change as profound as the age-old story of the caterpillar becoming a butterfly. Not only will you change, but so will your friends. While you'll still be friends with your old friends, it's just harder for caterpillars to do the same things butterflies do. So the changes are big changes, and not too many people choose to make them.
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Three kinds of business Systems
There are three kinds of business systems commonly in use today. They are
- Traditional C corporations-where you develop your own system.
- Franchises-where you buy an existing system
- Network marketing-where you buy into and become part of an existing system.
Success is a poor teacher
You may losses two or three companies in started but you learn more than the companies that you own which are priceless. God wants to give what you want but first, he wants to make you strong a known the value of that thing.
Money is seen with your mind
Money is an idea"It is not what your eyes see," said rich dad. A piece of real estate is a piece of real estate. A company's stock certificate is a company's stock certificate. You can see those things. But it's what you can't see is important. It's the deal, the financial agreement, the market, the management, the risk factors, the cash flow, the corporate structuring, the tax law, and a thousand other things that make something a good investment.
Money is a Drug
Rich Dad always said, "Money is a Drug." "If you become addicted to money, it's hard to break that addiction.Robert T.Kiyosaki Rich's dad called money a drug because he observed people who were happy when they had money and upset or mood when they didn't. Just as heroin addicts get high when they inject the drug, they also get moody and violent when they don't have it.
An E works for the system.
An S is a system.
AB creates, owns, and/or control the system.
I invest money into the system.
Notable Quotes on Education
Mark Twain said: "I never let schooling interfere with my education."
Albert Einstein said: "There is too much education altogether, especially in American schools."
Galileo said: "You cannot teach a person anything. You can only help him find it within himself."
Winston Churchill once said: "Personally, I am always ready to learn, although I do not always like being taught."
Basic Big picture asset
Three Cash-Flow Patterns
As stated in Rich dad poor dad, there are three basic cash-flow patterns: one for the rich, one for the poor and one for the middle class.
This is the cash-flow pattern of the poor:

This is the cash-flow pattern of the middle class:
This cash flow pattern is considered typical and smart by our society. After all, the people who have this pattern probably have high-paying jobs, a nice home, cars, and credit card. This is called the "working-class dream."
This is the cash flow pattern of rich:
This is the cash-flow patterns of all the people who are in a society where
Poor have the only expense and a one stream income(job).
The middle class buys liabilities to think that it is assets. Many middle classes have one stream of income (job) but they are paid high.
The Rich class has multiple streams of income maximum income came from the assets that they invest.
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