The 4 Best assets to generate cash flow and build massive wealth.

Many people told me that, Go to school and get a high paying job by being an engineer or doctor and some of them say to be an army you will get a pension when you are old. 

At that time I was small and I don't like to study show I believe that Being an army is best for me but after I started reading financial books I knew that In the deep inside my heart I don't want to be an army I was just influenced by the people around me. People decide there job or career by being influenced by the people around them but after getting job they are not happy. 

By reading, many financial books I discover that there are 4 assets that make you rich. They are


It is very hard to buy new assets with the job. So, Rich people create an asset called business to buy new assets. Business is the only thing that will give you tons of money which help you to buy new assets. Robert Kiyosaki Rich dad said when Robert asked him How you can afford this beach. He said I can't afford it but my business can.

Google, Facebook, Microsoft are some example of big business that people rich.

Real Estate

From the old-time Real estate was the best way to became rich. The person who has lots of land and house became the richest one. When you have enough money to buy new assets. Rich people invest their money int the real estate because they know that the land and building price is increased but the value of money is decreasing. Many Rich people invest in real estate to hold their money and to earn passive income.

Paper Assets

Rich people invest in paper assets like dividend stock, mutual fund, index stock and many more. If you save money in the bank. They will give you only around 5% but now the value of money is decreasing and Rich people think that, "Savers are losers." So, they invest in stock because the companies are growing rapidly with good financial knowledge you can invest in the paper money and earn passive income by receiving the dividend. 


The last one is a commodity like oil, gold, silver and many others. The oil, silver, and gold are the most profitable commodity especially oil Government give you a tax break if you own oil. If the price of oil decreases people will say you are in the loss but it not true your profit will be less. Gold and silver are the precious metal use from the old-time. All the people in the earth value gold and silver.

This is the 4 Assets to become rich.