Don't do this. If you want to be Rich by making money online

Everybody wants to make money online but like everyone in the physical world is trap in the Rat race. In the Internet, people are trapped in quick money-making schemes. I called them Online Rat's who are trap in the online Rat race.

I was in the quick money scam like you. I try many things to earn money quick online like watching ads, doing online surveys, downloading money-making apps and many more but after a few weeks. I realize that what I am doing.

When I started I decided to earn with High-income skill and passive income but I just exchange time with the pennies by doing stupid things.

People are doing the same mistake that I do but I realize it fast. There are some people who do this stupid thing for years. 

When you are doing the stupid things you are just exchanging pennies for time. Rather than, doing the quick money-making scam on the internet.

I recommend you get a part-time job or full-time job and do side hustle first after building a few audiences and earning money you can quit the job.

Success comes working continuously.

It will be hard to earn money online first without the method of Quick money-making scam but when you build audiences after that it will be easy. It is like  Robert Kiyosaki said," It is very hard to earn first million-dollar but after than It is easy."