The No.1 Reason Why People Fail?


Failure simply knows as lack of success. I think that all the people fail sometimes or many times in somethings. Many people fail and few people rise, Do you think that failure comes from the lack of skill or intelligence. Hell, No these things come from the process of learning but In the process of learning people don't learn the one important things.

The No.1 Reason For Why People Fail

The real reason why people fail is they think what others will think with the internetI don't think people do not have knowledge. They just have the fear of what others think. They value other people opinions more than there. They are not their real self They are made of other opinions with salesman simile. 

Actually, they don't care you succeed or fail. They just want to give their worthless opinions to you so, they can feel superior. The real thing is that nobody cares about you except you. It is not what others think, It is what your brain think you are the most dangerous prison. 

By being in prison you are living others life without knowing or not. When you realize how quickly people will forget after they die even he/she helps many people after that you will stop impressing people and you will start living your own life.

People say, post and share It is better you hate me for what I am then Love me for what I am not. Do you think that they meant it? Actually, they don't know what they really are. They are also living like you but you have known that It is pointed less so, You are taking action for that.

Do what you love. Happiness is in the process not in the result. Take that first step that you can reach your goal without thinking what others think because lion doesn't care if dogs bark. 

When you take action you are proving yourself that you are living own life. You are doing what most people can't di by leaving others opinion behind because to be successful first you should have the right mindset. Everything starts in the mind first, you have to take action and make it a reality by writing your own book on your own hand.

It Is Easy to say for me.

For me, It is easy to say don't care what other people's think you think that but I am sharing you this content because I have been experiencing this actually I am dealing this in my daily life.

 People like us who want to be an entrepreneur judge daily because for me night are the best time to do my work so, In the morning class of mine that I am forced to be there I just sleep all morning and teacher judge me, my classmate judge me but it is ok you know because What I see can't be seen by them, "Those who can see the only one side of coin will never understand the people who see both sides of coin"

You Known that you can be successful and you have been taking action to be successful, you're not like the one who has a dream but does not take action or the people who do not have a dream."Those who do not have dreams are worthless and those who have dream but does not take action are more than worthless."

In conclusion

People will judge you let them because Robert Kiyosaki said that "if you want to be rich first you should mind your own business" and what others think about you is not your business it is their business.

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